Staff Headshots need to be unique – they shout your company’s culture at the marketplace and your clients. And staff are your greatest asset so showcase your team at their best.
Hybrid working is over?
It feels like every day brings news of another major organisation demanding that staff return to the office. It’s a difficult and unpopular demand for teams that have become used to the freedoms that WFH and hybrid working provide. So to sweeten the pill smart employers provide incentives. This can be anything from improved office environments to team building sessions.
Professional staff headshots sessions are an excellent way of team building with the added bonus of headshots that can be used to promote the business, feature in sales pitches and used for internal communications.
But people don't like having their picture taken!
People love having good pictures taken – flattering portraits that catch their inner soul. Everyone has that special picture that gets used for everything: social media, LinkedIn profiles (and even dating websites).
Appointing a headshot specialist will ensure a good turnout – even from the sceptics. Our sessions are always well attended and as word gets out – even more staff start adding their names to the sessions.

5 Things that make the difference
Get these things right and your staff headshot session will be a resounding success!
- Look for a Staff Headshots Specialist – “jack of all trades, master of none” is especially true when it comes to photography. So steer clear of photographers whose websites contain everything from wedding photography to kids portraits.
- Know how your company positions itself in the marketplace. These images are an investment marketing collateral. Your “Our People” page needs to communicate your core values. Work with photographers who have a track record of delivering to a creative brief.
- Make sure you book a make up artist. We live in the North Atlantic and cannot predict the weather. A make up artist will make sure all staff – men and women are perfectly groomed for their shoot.
- It’s a company shoot but make it personal. The strength of your team relies upon individuals. Celebrate their individuality and book a photographer who knows how to light, find the right angle and direct each person individually, So that you present a co-ordinated, multi-disciplined team.
- Individual control – make sure your team get to see their images on a large screen – a laptop rather than the back of the camera. They will see how good they look and be excited to receive the final finished product.
February is the perfect time.
Christmas has long gone. Our New Year’s resolutions have paid off and Spring is around the corner. With winter behind us our spirits lift which makes it the perfect time to capture staff headshots.
And for the whole of February we are offering a Valentines Special – Book your Staff Headshot shoot between 1st – 28th February and we’ll take 15% of our standard prices.

Studio Grey Staff Headshots sessions start with a chat about your objectives – what return do you want from your pictures? Good staff headshots do more than simply attract clients, they create a picture of your organisation. A happy confident team attracts top talent. And we can create a variety of images – PR photography for Directors, documentary photography for bids – let your clients see you at work.
So, get your year off to a great start – use kick-off meetings to do more than simply get people together: get a set of banging staff headshots that everyone will love. And provide your company with marketing resources that pay dividends in 2025!